Monday, July 23, 2007

Waiting for Improvement at DWG

It's a rainy day here on the PA/NJ border - the perfect type to cozy up with some steaming coffee at the town bakery. And that is exactly what we've been doing.

I started by antibiotics shot/oral cycle nearly 24 hours ago, and so far I haven't noticed much difference in my hand. Figgy and I will certainly be sticking around town until I see some definitive changes for the better.

Church of the Mountain

The pastor here, Karen Nickels, and a few fellow hikers, Peach and Rex, who are both pharmacists, are helping me keep an eye on it. They say it may take up to 48 hours. I've also been wondering about the possibility that I have a recluse spider bite, but I've got no real epicenter or bite mark, so that is doubtful and would be treated nearly the same anyway.

These physical/mental/financial obstacles have crept up quite frequently in our journey, but truth be told, we are not discouraged in the least and remain excited about our summer adventure. I'm looking forward to some healthy hiking, even rainy healthy hiking. Soon, I'm sure.

Looks like Kevin has uploaded the contents of my latest memory card. Thanks, man.

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